Customer Testimonials

  • Website Testimonial

    “Andrew designed my website for Pastime Antiques. He did an amazing job, was pleasant to work with and understood my vision as well as formulating his experienced ideas and contributing artful photography. Andrew is very tech savvy and smoothly transitioned the final product into a published website. Oh, and he fixed the bugs in my computer too! I highly recommend Andrew for all your computer needs!”

  • Technology Testimonial

    “I just wanted to send you a note and tell you that I really appreciate your quick response. It was great you can help me out on the spot and save my day.” – Bill Suchy

    “Andrew comes highly recommended and I’d definitely would work with him again. He got my printer troubles solved for my job and saved me a lot of time!” – Tony Becker

  • Filmmaking Testimonial

    “Working with Andrew Ring has been exciting and fun. The humility, talent, and dedication to his business shows on everything he does. I encourage everybody that has an idea for a film, website, or photo needs to get in touch with him. You won’t regret it!”

“Andrew Ring is a very professional young man. He did the commercial for Gutches Grove Event Centers Halloween Event. He is fun to work with and made us all feel very comfortable on film and off. Thank you so much Andrew!”